I keep trying to come up with simpler ways to use some of the well-researched techniques for countering depression and anxiety. Here is a 4-step system that may work even when you don't have your therapy notebook nearby:
1. I feel [bad, sad, angry, frustrated, discouraged, panicky, hopeless, etc.]
2. because [identify or describe the situation in a few words].
3. I've been talking to myself about it this way: [describe typical unhealthy and/or unhelpful thought patterns--note that while what you're thinking may be technically true, it just isn't helpful].
4. More healthy and/or helpful thoughts would be: [brainstorm a list of thoughts that are also true and which have a positive effect].
Repeat this process whenever you feel your mood deteriorating, and specifically tell yourself the thoughts you come up with in #4 several times per day. This exercise depends on the assumption that a) you are able to identify your unhealthy and/or unhelpful thoughts, and b) you can come up with positive alternatives. Some people need a therapist to even begin the process. But it's worth a try.